Monday, March 29, 2010

Canis et Ovis (Osius)

SOURCE: The poem comes from Phryx Aesopus Habitu Poetico, by Hieronymus Osius, published in 1574, and online at the University of Mannheim as page images and text scan. This is poem 49 in the collection. For parallel versions, see Perry 478.

READ OUT LOUD. Choose which marked text you prefer to practice with - macrons in verse form, or macrons in prose order, or accent marks in prose order, or focusing on the meter. You will find materials for all of these options below. :-)

VERSE MACRONS. Here is the verse text with macrons:

Trēs dēbēre sibī modiōs Canis ōre protervō
Frūmentī longō tempore fingit Ovem.
Cumque Lupō Accipiter testēs, et Milvius adsunt,
Sē dēbēre metū victa fatētur Ovis.
Fēcerat hoc mendax plānum testantibus illīs,
Rem licet hanc falsō fingeret ōre Canis.
Ante suās ergō tōnsūrae tempora lānās
Vendit, ut hāc pretium conditiōne paret.
Quō frūmenta darī quamvīs indēbita possint,
(Sīc quia poscentī pacta fuisset) Ovī.
Quī malus est, praebet cuī magna potentia vīrēs,
Hōc īnsōns etiam saepe premente dolet.

PROSE MACRONS. Here is the same text with macrons written out in prose word order:

Canis ōre protervō fingit Ovem sibī dēbēre tempore longō trēs modiōs frūmentī. Et Accipiter et Milvius cum Lupō testēs adsunt, Ovis metū victa fatētur sē dēbēre. Illīs testantibus, hoc plānum mendax fēcerat, licet Canis rem hanc fingeret ōre falsō. Ergō ante tōnsūrae tempora lānās suās vendit, ut hāc conditiōne pretium paret. quō frūmenta, quamvīs indēbita, Ovī darī possint, (quia sīc poscentī pacta fuisset). Quī malus est, cuī potentia magna vīrēs praebet, hōc premente, etiam īnsōns saepe dolet.

STRESS (ACCENT) MARKS. Here is the prose text with accents, plus some color-coding for the words of three or more syllables (blue: penultimate stress; red: antepenultimate stress):

Canis ore protérvo fingit Ovem sibi debére témpore longo tres módios fruménti. Et Accípiter et Mílvius cum Lupo testes adsunt, Ovis metu victa fatétur se debére. Illis testántibus, hoc planum mendax fécerat, licet Canis rem hanc fíngeret ore falso. Ergo ante tonsúrae témpora lanas suas vendit, ut hac conditióne prétium paret. Quo fruménta, quamvis indébita, Ovi dari possint, (quia sic poscénti pacta fuísset). Qui malus est, cui poténtia magna vires praebet, hoc preménte, étiam insons saepe dolet.

ELEGIAC COUPLET METER. Below I have used an interpunct dot · to indicate the metrical elements in each line, and a double line || to indicate the hemistichs of the pentameter line.

Trēs dē·bēre si·bī modi·ōs Canis ·ōre pro·tervō
Frūmen·tī lon·gō || tempore· fingit O·vem.
Cumque Lu·p~ Accipi·ter tes·tēs, et· Milvius ·adsunt,
Sē dē·bēre me·tū || victa fa·tētur O·vis.
Fēcerat· hoc men·dax plā·num tes·tantibus ·illīs,
Rem licet· hanc fal·sō || fingeret· ōre Ca·nis.
Ante su·ās er·gō tōn·sūrae· tempora· lānās
Vendit, ut· hāc preti·um || conditi·ōne pa·ret.
Quō frū·menta da·rī quam·vīs in·dēbita ·possint,
(Sīc quia· poscen·tī || pacta fu·isset) O·vī.
Quī malus ·est, prae·bet cuī ·magna po·tentia ·vīrēs,
Hōc īn·sōns eti·am || saepe pre·mente do·let.

IMAGE. Here is an illustration for the story from the 1574 edition of Osius:

What follows is an unmarked version of the prose rendering to faciliate word searches: Canis ore protervo fingit Ovem sibi debere tempore longo tres modios frumenti. Et Accipiter et Milvius cum Lupo testes adsunt, Ovis metu victa fatetur se debere. Illis testantibus, hoc planum mendax fecerat, licet Canis rem hanc fingeret ore falso. Ergo ante tonsurae tempora lanas suas vendit, ut hac conditione pretium paret. quo frumenta, quamvis indebita, Ovi dari possint, (quia sic poscenti pacta fuisset). Qui malus est, cui potentia magna vires praebet, hoc premente, etiam insons saepe dolet.